
When Drake is feeling stiff or sore, chiropractic helps him feel better.  He gets adjusted about once a month, which keeps him moving well and keeping up with his younger brothers. He also gets Dasuquin, Adequan, and Welactin Omega 3 FA's, Dr. Mueller's favorite supplements for her favorite boy (yes--he's Mama's boy).--K


"You are very special to us Dr. Mueller, and have made a world of difference to Pippa.  You help her lead a better life and we really appreciate you.  Thank you for the work you do!"--A

Karma and Reka

I first met Dr. Karen more than 20 years ago when I started my journey with Bernese Mountain Dogs.  Since that time she has taken care of all my dogs from the oldsters to the young ones.  From my seniors experiencing stiffness with old joints to the puppies still growing and on to dogs recovering from ACL surgery and show dogs preparing to move beautifully in the ring, she has helped them all.  Dr. Mueller is caring and professional and has a genuine interest in her clients and their needs.  My dogs all love their visits with her.  For the most part  I have been lucky to have Bernese live to an old age and count that regular chiropractic care has helped maintain overall health.  I am thankful to have Dr. Mueller taking care of my Berners.  --M

Cate FastCat


Sophie was a rescue with degenerative disk disease, shot with a pellet gun and afraid of everything.  It took her months to feel safe and loved.  She started therapy with Dr. Mueller for her disk pain, and the last few years she has had a joyful quality of life.  She relaxes and is comforted by Dr Mueller's gentle demeanor and expertise.  Her eyes soften and she knows she is loved by Dr. Mueller!  For a while she was uncharacteristically not herself--I brought her to Dr. Mueller and one of her ribs was "out".  She adjusted her and she immediately became her old rambunctious self!  Thank you Dr. Mueller for helping my Sophie live a wonderful quality of life!  She is 11 years old now and doing great, seeing Dr. Mueller several times throughout the year.--K


I adopted Fergus at about 5 months old as a stray , living on the Guide Meridian behind Michael's.  With much care from the Northshore Vets and Dr. Mueller, Fergus has grown into a playful, loving, rambunctious dog--a life restored!  I started him with Dr. Mueller because he had physical scars as well as emotional scars.  Her calm reassurance when treating him helped him learn to trust--not easy for him with his background.  He continues to have treatments throughout the year and it is magnificent to watch him romp across the fields and play with abandon.  Thank you Dr. Mueller for being a part of his second chance at life!--K


Teddy's leg has improved under Dr. Mueller's care.  It's helped us put off a $7,000 surgery.  Thank you Dr. Mueller. --M



Whiskey feels SO much better after her healing chiropractic visits with Karen.  She is able to turn upside down on her bed for upside down wiggles and belly rubs again!!


If you are on the fence about trying animal chiropractic or working with Karen, let this be your sign to do it; your dog will thank you!  


Joanna Schmidt and dog friend Whiskey


Doctor Karen Mueller is an extraordinary healer.

Karen treated my first dog through two knee surgeries and Izzy was running until she was 15 years old!  Millie (Shepherd/ Lab) also has two repaired knees. Thanks to excellent chiropractic care,  at eight years old she leads the way on our hikes.  Dr. Mueller has helped make this possible.  Karen is hands-on; her chiropractic wisdom is based on experience. With years of working with horses and dogs, she is intimate with anatomy and is empathetic to the situation. I am so happy that Dr. Mueller is in our lives! --C



Dr. Mueller has worked her "magical manipulations" on many of my dogs for 20 years.  Her care extended their quality of life and pain-free mobility.  They have all loved her dearly but Dobbs loves her the best!--B




After Zeke's first adjustment, he was running and playing with the puppy.  By his  third treatment, he was jumping on and off the bed.   After his fourth adjustment, he started counter surfing again, which he hadn't been doing for years!

Zeke loves his chiropractic visits so much, he has to be bribed with treats to leave the office! --K

My pets Em, Junior, and Toshi have all seen Dr. Mueller for chiropractic for over 2 decades.  Toshi has had very challenging health issues over the years and Dr. Mueller's skilled hands and kind heart are definitely part of the reason he's still with us, happy and finally healthy!  Between her intuitive nature and her highly educated mind, my pets have blossomed!--E





Our German Shepherd rescue has had a LOT of health problems from the moment we adopted him.  Dr. Mueller has been instrumental in helping him feel his best in all parts of his body.  Her veterinary acumen helped us get to the bottom of some of his biggest health conundrums and her chiropractic adjustments have helped him be as healthy and active as possible.  We can't recommend Dr. Mueller's expert care enough!--S

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